You Have Enough Support Within Yourself

Each day we go about our business and seek approval, love, recognition, support, the listgoes on from other people, from our outside surroundings. Imagine if you had everythingyou need to live a life full of happiness, passion, purpose and fulfilment right inside you.Well You do. Unfortunately so many of us feel we need outside influences to make us feelgood, to give us purpose to provide what we are looking for in life.

Each and every day I use these 7 principles to ensure I stay in control of my world. I havethese words up on the wall, were I can say them all day long, they submerge into mysubconscious and become part of my daily life.

These words are the key principles that I follow, in fact that I know the majority ofsuccessful people follow. They are not difficult to understand, there is no rocket sciencebehind them and they have a attachment to living life at its fullest.

Here they are:

Optimism: Knowing that tomorrow will be as good if not better than today. Having a positive outlookon life and everything that goes on around in life. You have a choice in life on how you lookupon things. This in itself effects your beliefs, habits and actions.

Responsibility: That you are responsible for the world you live in. It is not the governments responsibility, itis not your schools or neighbours or your parents, you are totally responsible for the worldyou live in and what goes on in it.

Purpose: Knowing that what you are doing in life is the best thing ever. There is no point doing thingsin life just for the sake of it. To many people float through life going to a job they dislike andare not passionate about. It is time to take the jump and go and find something that youlove doing.

Support: The people that are around you and you rely on are amazing. This is a very powerful way tothink and act. You will be amazed at the fantastic things that take place through having thisbelief.

Resourcefulness: I am enough and have all the resources I need around me. So often we feel we need morebefore we can take that next step, complete that next task or do something different in life.We make excuses and put doubt into our minds. Everything you need to make that decisionand take action you have already.

Selflessness: We are all connected in same way. Successful people in life are helping others, giving andputting other people in front of them. This provides a very powerful way to live. No matterhow big or small there is always something we can do to help someone else.

Belief: I am going to be a 'rock star'. Your belief really does determine what you think, act and feel.No matter what your experiences, how you grew up, what job you have, you can changeyou belief in a heartbeat, if you choose to. If you don't believe in yourself how can anyonebelieve in you.

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