Love is something that can be so powerful and life-changing that people tend to run away from it. Most of the time, people are afraid to experience what true love really feels like. Love comes in a variety of forms and is available from various sources in a person's life. Through Fear to Love by Duane O'Kane and Catherine Wyber teaches you how to accept the happiness and love that is available to you without allowing fear to get in the way.
One of the segments in this program is labeled, "Who Are You?". Knowing just who you are in life is necessary if you are ever to understand yourself. The road to self-discovery can indeed be one of the most exciting paths you'll ever travel. When a person discovers who they are, they learn a lot about what they want out of life, how they can use their individual gifts to their benefit, how they can reach fulfillment, as well as the reasons why they fear love themselves, and what they can do to change that and accept the happiness that awaits them.
Another segment of Through Fear to Love by Duane O'Kane and Catherine Wyber is labeled, "The Universe, A Friendly Place or Not?" A common misconception by most people is that life is difficult. From childhood, many individuals are brought up with beliefs that have been forced on them by their parents. These negative beliefs are a result of shallow ways of thinking. People have been led to believe that everyone is out to get them and that they are destined for misery. Children must grow up to be just like their parents, no matter how bad that is.
This program teaches you that the universe is not a bad place. Everything that you want is already available to you, but in order to obtain it, you must work for it and be willing to receive it when it comes to you. Through Fear to Love by Duane O'Kane and Catherine Wyber, you'll learn that the universe is not a bad place at all. It simply gives back to you what you give out.
Because some people do not how to go about obtaining happiness on their own, Through Fear to Love by Duane O'Kane and Catherine Wyber serves as a guide to help them do just that. Another segment of the program is labeled, "Getting Real". Oftentimes, "getting real" means getting down to business. You can talk all day about what you want out of life, what you are going to do to get it, but what's really needed is action. The key is to come up with ideas, discover what you want, create a goal to obtain it, and then take action to make it real.
Through Fear to Love by Duane O'Kane and Catherine Wyber touches on all facets of life, especially those in relation to acceptance of yourself, love, and goals. These are the key things that help to make life fulfilling. Instead of wasting anymore time in dreamland, this book provides you with steps necessary to take action. It helps you to find yourself, understand yourself, find love, and let go of past hurts. It teaches you how to get what you want in life.