If you being a businessperson want that, your website should reach your potential customers without any sort of troubles then try to keep your website simple. One must understand that not everyone has the same internet speed. Since the users are steadily increasing, the competition is getting higher day by day.
The user does not spend a lot of time on a website if it is causing troubles in loading. In such case, it is always better to have a web page design that can be access faster and with ease. Reducing the website loading time is one of the basic solutions if you want visitors to stick for long on your website.
To avoid such hassles let us go through some tips that will help to reduce the loading time of your website.
Less use of graphics:
Reduce the amount of graphics you are going to use on your web page design. Editing images on Photoshop can help you optimize them. Saving the images in the right format the page load time can be reducing. One must avoid very heavy images or anything of very high resolution. If you are using heavy images on your website, you can preload some of them. Flash images on the site are to use carefully if you use them it is better to optimize them. The width and height of the images are mention while inserting the graphics in HTML. While a user, access the web page the rest of the page will continue to load and it will reduce the loading time of site.
Do not use heavy coding:
Reducing the code is another effective way to lessen the website load time. Empty and redundant tags are inserting in the code and these should not be present there and hence removed soon. A clean coding will definitely reduce the loading time. The compression of files will help the pages to open faster. It is advisable to use CSS for web designing. By using these, you can avoid inserting tables and it will help in fast loading of web pages. Making use of CSS makes the web design clean and compact.
In addition, you can consider certain other points like:
1.Hosting your website on high end server is the best possible way get things in right track
2.Make sure that put your content on one server and database on another to make it secure and fast this will increase the performance of website.
3.Use PHP less as it affects the loading time of your website
4.Do not make use of any image or music file that is heavy it will make your website heavier
While designing make sure that you keep track of the above-mentioned tips then only you will be able to reduce the load time for your website for sure. You may take help from web Design Company so that you can avoid any sort of mistakes.