5 Logical Steps To Improving Your Article Writing

There are so many Internet marketers using articles to promote their business today, that to me it seems logical you must become a better writer if you are going to stand out. In this article I will offer five steps you can follow to become a better article writer and benefit your own online business.

1. Know who you are writing for. This seems logical because you need to provide content that suits your audience.

It must be targeted towards their needs and concerns. When you do a good job of writing for your audience they will be more likely to click on the link in your resource box and want to see what else you have to offer them.

2. Write catchy titles. As I look at article directories it is amazing how many titles are poorly written or just plain boring. Your title must stand out if you expect somebody to open it and start reading.

One way to become better at writing titles is to look for titles that catch your eyes. Develop a swipe file that you can refer back to.

Another thing you can do is look at the subject line in emails you receive. Some are more eye appealing than others and these can be potentially good ideas for titles to your articles as well.

3. Write short articles. Your articles should only be long enough to cover the theme of them. Many article directories have increased the minimum number of words they require in an article.

Some article writers think it is better to write longer articles which will increase the odds of them being published and read. In reality people do not totally read an article from start to finish.

If you can keep your articles focused, and accomplish what you're trying to write about, you stand a better chance of satisfying the reader. This means you do not increase the article length just to hit a specific number of words.

4. Don't repeat yourself. I personally like to write numbered list articles because it helps me stay focused in the content I write. You'll find that repeating yourself in an article is a way to increase the number of words, by it is not helping the quality of it.

5. Check for spelling and grammar errors. Some people will judge your article just on this fact alone. By avoiding simple mistakes in spelling and grammar you enhance your own writing reputation.

To me these are logical tips you can use to improve your article writing. As you look at articles online you will be amazed at how many people do not follow these five steps!

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